The video game adaptation Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin, based on the five part miniseries of the same name was given an official announcement during the THQ Nordic event, showcased on August 11th. This is the first official confirmation of the project since it was teased earlier this year by Paramount, the parent company of Nickelodeon who in turns owns the TMNT brand.
Rounding out the slate of games being showcased by THQ Nordic, this trailer differed in that very little was actually showcased. Set to a Taiko drum beat the trailer features four candles over a dark background. As the candles are snuffed out one by one we see sequences of a hachimaki flowing in the wind, a burning castle, as well as arrows descending on the ground. The teaser ends with a still shot showing a turtle from behind as he squares off against several robot soldiers with the text ‘In Development appearing.
What we did learn from this trailer is that the game is being developed by Black Forest Games. This is a Germany based studio that had previously worked with THQ Nordic to develop the Destroy All Humans remakes. According to rumors, this title is intended to play similar to the God of War reboot which would make it a very different type of turtles game, and a vastly different title to what Black Forest had previously worked on.
This being said, The Last Ronin has a hugely popular miniseries due to it departure from the usual turtles narrative. Released between 2020 and 2022, the series followed one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as they fight to liberate New York from the control of Shredders grandson. The reason they were fighting alone? All the other turtles have been killed along the way. Who this turtle is, and who dies, are major plot points and reveals along the way so I will let you find out for yourself by reading the comics, or waiting to play the game. The book was written by Ninja Turtles creators Kevin Eastman and Peter laird, as well as Tom Waltz and Andy Kuhn. It proved so popular a sequel series was released in 2023.
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